Block time, in the context of cryptocurrency, is a measure of the time it takes to produce a new block in a blockchain network.

It is the length of time it takes to validate the existence of a new batch of tokens. For instance, if you are mining bitcoins, it's the time to validate new bitcoins.

Theoretically, each network has its own defined block time. For instance, the Bitcoin network's block time is around 10 minutes while the Ethereum network's block time is about 13 seconds.

📌 Understanding Block Time

Block time is the time required to create the next block in a chain. It is essentially the amount of time it takes for a blockchain miner to find a solution to the hash, the random series of characters that are associated with the block.

However, the precise time to mine the next block is unknowable. The actual amount of time it takes for block generation varies depending on the difficulty of the hash.

Here are a few brief definitions for those trying to understand block time:

Thus, block time is the average time it takes for a miner to solve the mathematical puzzle and trigger the creation of a block on the blockchain.