Contract Transaction

Let's look at a transaction that sets a state variable to 0x1. The contract we want to interact with has a setter and a getter for the variable a:

pragma solidity ^0.4.11;

contract C {
	uint256 a;
	function setA(uint256 _a) {
		a = _a;

	function getA() returns (uint256) {
		return a;

Created a transaction that makes the call setA(1). The transaction's input data is:


To the EVM, this is just 36 bytes of raw data. It is passed to the Smart Contract unprocessed as calldata. If the Smart Contract is a Solidity program, then it interprets these input bytes as a method call, and executes the appropriate assembly code for setA(1).

The input data can be broken down to two subparts:

# The method selector (4 bytes)
# The method arguments (32 bytes)

The first four bytes is the method selector. The rest of the input data are method arguments in chunks of 32 bytes. In this case there is only 1 argument, the value 0x1.

The method selector is the keccak256 hash of the method signature. In this case the method signature is setA(uint256), which is the name of the method and the types of its arguments.

The Application Binary Interface (ABI)

As far as the EVM is concerned, the transaction's input data (calldata) is just a sequence of bytes. The EVM doesn't have builtin support for calling methods.