Ownership of ether by EOAs is established through digital private keys, Ethereum addresses, and digital signatures. The private keys are at the heart of all user interaction with Ethereum. In fact, account addresses are derived directly from private keys: a private key uniquely determines a single Ethereum address, also known as an account.

Private keys are not used directly in the Ethereum system in any way; they are never transmitted or stored on Ethereum. That is to say that private keys should remain private and never appear in messages passed to the network, nor should be stored on-chain; only account addresses and digital signatures are ever transmitted and stored on the Ethereum system.

Access and control of funds is achieved with digital signatures, which are also created using the private key. Ethereum transactions require a valid digital signature to be included in the blockchain. Anyone with a copy of a private key has control of the corresponding account and any ether it holds. Assuming a user keeps their private key safe, the digital signatures in Ethereum transactions prove the true owner of the funds, because they prove ownership of the private key.

In public key cryptography-based systems, such as that used by Ethereum, keys come in pairs consisting of a private key and a public key. In the payment portion of an Ethereum transaction, the intended recipient is represented by an Ethereum address. An Ethereum address for an EOA is generated from the public key portion of a key pair.

📌 Public Key Cryptography & Cryptocurrency

In Ethereum, we use public key cryptography (also known as asymmetric cryptography) to create the public-private key pair. They are considered a "pair" because the public key is derived from the private key. Together, they represent an Ethereum account by providing, respectively, a publicly accessible account handle (the address) and private control over access to any ether in the account and over any authentication the account needs when using smart contracts. The private key controls access by being the unique piece of information needed to create digital signatures, which are required to sign transactions to spend any funds in the account. Digital signatures are also used to authenticate owners or users of contracts.

A digital signature can be created to sign any message. For Ethereum transactions, the details of the transaction itself are used as the message. The mathematics of cryptography—in this case, Elliptic Curve cryptography—provides a way for the message (i.e., the transaction details) to be combined with the private key to create a code that can only be produced with knowledge of the private key. That code is called the digital signature. When a transactions is sent to the Ethereum network in order to move funds or interact with smart contracts, it needs to be sent with a digital signature created with the private key corresponding to the Ethereum address in question. Elliptic curve mathematics means that anyone can verify that a transaction is valid, by checking that the digital signature matches the transaction details and the Ethereum address to which access is being requested. The verification doesn't involve the private key at all; that remains private. However, the verification process determines beyond doubt that the transaction could have only come from someone with the private key that corresponds to the public key behind the Ethereum address.

📌 Private Keys

A private key is simply a number, picked at random. Ownership and control of the private key is the root of user control over all funds associated with the corresponding Ethereum address, as well as access to contracts that authorize that address. The private key is used to create signatures required to spend ether by proving ownership of funds used in a transaction.

📌 Public Keys

An Ethereum public key is a point on an elliptic curve, meaning it is a set of x and y coordinates that satisfy the elliptic curve equation.