Cassandra gives you a way to define your own types to extend its data model. These user-defined types (UDTs) are easier to use than tuples since you can specify the values by name rather than position.

CREATE TYPE address (
	street text,
	city text,
	state text,
	zip_code int

A UDT is scoped by the keyspace in which it is defined.


Now that you have defined the address type, you can use it in the user table. Rather than simply adding a single address, you can use a map to store multiple addresses to which you can give names such as "home", "work", and so on. However, you immediately run into a problem.

ALTER TABLE user ADD addresses map<text, address>;

InvalidRequest: Error from server: code=2200 [Invalid query] message="Non-frozen UDTs are not allowed inside collections: map<text, address>"

It turns out that a user-defined data type is considered as collection, as its implementation is similar to a set, list, or map. You've asked Cassandra to nest one collection inside another.